Help us plan for Queer Book Club in 2025 Click here to view a list of potential titles. (There will be a question about this in the survey!) Queer Book Club - 2025 Survey "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* Phone*Would you like to continue as a member of the Queer Book Club in 2025?* Yes No What is your preference for frequency of titles?* 10 titles per year (every month, February to November) 5 titles per year (every second month) Other (please elaborate) What is your alternative suggestion?What is your preferred method of reading book club titles?* Print book eBook eAudiobook Combination Would you like to nominate yourself as organiser of the Queer Book Club?*This would involve being the main contact and the person who picks up the book club kit from Flemington Library before each meeting. Yes No Please nominate your top THREE titles from this list so that we can plan the book club picks for 2025:*There is a PDF with blurbs for all of these titles at the top of this webpage if you'd like to read about them before making your selection. A Lifetime of Being ACE: Making asexuality visible (Davina A; biography) Always Will Be (Mykaela Saunders; fiction) Amma (Saraid de Silva; fiction) Bad Seed (Gabriele Carle; short story) Blessings (Chukwuebuka Ibeh; fiction) Cinema Love (Jiaming Tan; fiction) City of Laughter (Temim Fruchter; fiction) Detachable Penis: a Queer legal saga (Sam Elkin; memoir) Evenings and Weekends (Oisin McKenna; fiction) Greta & Valdin (Rebecca K. Reilly; fiction) Host City (David Owen Kelly; fiction) Out-Side: Queer words and art from regional Victoria (Editor: Michael Earp; anthology) Pyramid of Needs (Ernest Price; fiction) The History of My Sexuality (Tobi Lakmaker; fiction) The Pearl Prize 2024: a collection of works by Queer writers from across Australia (Martha Ackroyd Curtis; anthology) Would you be open to reading titles from our general book club list for book clubs which include a diversity of authors, themes, and genres?* Yes No Any other comments or queries?No worries!Thanks for your time. Please hit the submit button before closing this page. Hope to see you around the library again soon!CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.