Need to print?

Simply email your documents to your preferred library branch to collect.

Choose the email address which corresponds to your branch and the way you wish your document to be printed (eg. A4, black and white, double-sided). Send your document as an attachment to this address.

Documents will be printed exactly as they are received. We cannot print specific pages or print in colour if you haven't specified so double check that what you send is as you want it.

Please note that emails are automatically deleted after 24 hours so if you send your printing from home be sure to collect it within this time.

We accept both cash and card payments for printing. You may also add money to your library card for printing and photocopying.

Prices are as follows:

A4 black and white: 20c per page
A4 colour: $1 per page
A3 black and white: 40c per page
A3 colour: $2 per page

We also offer photocopying services at the same cost, and scanning services free of charge at all branches.